Thursday, October 05, 2006

Here's to a good cup o' joe.... and why I can't sleep...haha! So here I am ... I just watched Ross the Intern on Jay Leno, man that guys segments cracka me up!!!!
Ryan is going to the homecoming dance, his first big highschool dance where he actually asks a girl ...haha... he even sent her flowers with a note asking her ... he said it had to be a big deal and that everyone does it... I said wow they didn't do that when I was in highschool... he says they didn't? I said we were lucky to get asked at lunch or in between classes.. and it went something like this... hey, you wanna go to homecoming? To which the girl said ummm yeah I guess... the guy says, ok cool and walks away...hahahahaha! The girl goes home all happy and tells her mom she needs to buy a new dress, and waits by the phone for days til he calls...haha! Oh the memories....
Our new precious cute lil kitten scratched my eyeball tonight (OUCH) ! I was laying on the bed with him and he was staring intently at my face and then WHAM his paw into my eye... I think he was watching my eyelashes... oh the curse of long eyelashes...It still is all red and feels like it has a scratch on it and waters a lot... hopefully will feel better tomorrow!
Lost was on tonight FINALLY... now I wonder how did I ever let myself get sucked into that show.....aaaaack and I find myself hoping this is the last season so we can find out why the heck they are all on that dang island and why thier lives all coincide, why must I torture myself with shows such as these?????
Beka thinks she is going to try her luck playing basketball this year, you know what that means... more driving to and from practice for me, then to all the games... she still likes softball best but we shall see how she does in basketball this year! Her school is taking the 6th graders to Seattle to see the dead sea scrolls soon, field trips to Seattle are always fun, I may have to tag along ....
Josh has been driving to Long View everyday lately... long days he doesn't get home til after 7 but the paychecks are great! As long as he is home for the Monday night game he is happy...hehe!
Well fall weather has definately set in around here, the leaves are changing to the most beautiful colors. I need to take a drive down Tumwater canyon and post some good pics on here... it's gorgeous! I think tomorrow I will decorate my porch with my fall wreath and rug... gee maybe I might even sweep it off, now there's a concept!
One of these weekends we need to get over to dads for a visit and see gramps too... I will call soon and make plans dad!!!
Hey Aunt Jeannie-O whats shaking ?
Hmmmm Rod Stewart is on and he's singing Credence Clearwater Revival ... Have you ever seen rain (boy have i, just not much lately)!
Ok I am rambling tonight, sorry... but hey you know me! All is well in our neck of the woods.... just thought I'd write something down for you all to read.... Miss you All... I think I need to try to catch some Zzzzz's now or I will regret it when the alarm goes off at 5:30 am... Peace~G


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