Friday, July 28, 2006

To my son and fists full of dandelions...

I sure do miss my son, I can't wait til he comes home from Montana... I haven't seen his smilin' face for a month now and thats just a little too long for me...
I just know I am going to be one of those moms that has that empty nest syndrome when they grow up and move away from home...
We spend all this time raising our children so they can be well adjusted adults, so they live good and fulfilling lives ... basically teaching them to make it on thier own, then they leave and it's us who fall apart.... aaaack!
I still have 3 more years of highschool to go thank goodness... I need at least that long to prepare myself for him growing up... haha!
Beka is home right now but it sure is quiet around here without Ry... I miss the noise, the music, the mom can I drive... but I say a prayer for him everynight and at least we have the phone and internet...
It's funny cause you never realize the things our parents went through raising us and how much they really did love us even when we thought they were being "mean" ... The parent child bond is so huge... and it will never fade but it is only when our children have thier own children that they fully understand the extent of a parents love for them....
So here's to the good times , the hard times and the fist full of dandelions that are the most beautiful flowers a mom can ever receive!


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