Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ok I guess it's time for me to do some posting, it's been a while! The winter has gotten the best of us but so far no major power outages , woot! They say this is the most snow (worst winter) we've had since 1948--I believe it, I have never seen so much snow!!

Ryan and Beka have been taking advantage of the mountains (Stevens Pass and Mission Ridge) for some serious snowboarding ....There were days I wondered if the snow was ever going to stop falling...

We had two mishaps with both cars this winter... Ryan had his first accident with the icy roads and we need to get his windshield fixed, his front grill and light, a new side mirror and he needs to pound out a few dents then it will be up and driving again... I hit some ice in my car and did a 360 and slid right into a snow covered guard rail... a little damage to my passenger side bumper , I had no idea they could hit so hard...lol.... we are both ok!!!

Josh has been driving for SWIFT still and he hit some bad weather this year too, he got stuck while they closed some major roads a few times and says he is loving Arizona more and more...lol and California...hehe!

I went over to meet Josh in Auburn a few weeks back and had 4 days together over in the Seattle area, was a nice getaway... had a nice dinner with Aunt Jeannie one night... then we headed back home over the yucky pass and got stuck at home for quite a while (he had 12 days off altogether) before we could make it back over due to all passes being closed for avalanches...

Keeping busy at Natapoc this winter~ except for the weekend the passes were closed (lost most of our biz that weekend) ...

I am looking forward to spring but I am not exactly sure I see it coming anytime soon... I know it will be a late one! Today is blue skies and sunshine and thats a step in the right direction!

Love you all~ Peace G


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