Monday, August 07, 2006

Long and winding country roads

We headed to Cle Elum Sunday morning for my Uncle Deans memorial service... was a beautiful service. He touched a lot of lives in his lifetime...We will miss you Uncle Dean! No one truely dies until there is no one left to remember!
After the service the Ireland troop followed Jason and Greta to see thier new property that they are going to be building thier new home on to escape the confines of city life... we followed so we weren't paying as much attention as we maybe should have been to the landmarks or road signs...we had a nice visit with everyone out melting in the heat... hehe! Then Josh and I were going to head back into town to grab a bite to eat gas up and head back home... but as I said we weren't paying attention and we ended up on this long windy old country road...
Josh is a planner so when the plans in his head don't quite mesh with being lost he finds himself frustrated, me on the other hand look at things like that as an adventure.. so I turned up the music and said "Just enjoy it" so we kept thinking soon it would end and we would find another road to turn off on but this road seemed to go on forever and ever.... It was however a beautiful road... with creeks and a small river winding around and through it. We did finally get back on the main road and find our way back but I don't regret our little off the main path adventure...
I was thinking I wonder how many times we try to structure our life just so, and what we really should be doing is enjoying the long country roads along the way, the ones that might get us off the main path for a while but let us really see the beauty that surrounds our lives. Just a thought... G


Blogger LaughterThoughts said...

I agree-- reminds me of the robert frost poem:
"...I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

7:02 PM  

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