Saturday, November 18, 2006

Calling all superhero's!!!
Ok ok so I haven't blogged in 11 days, I have been too busy lately, and I've been in a slump, I haven't felt much like writing.... I have a cold... it just drags on and on....I have been taking my vitamin C and drinking lots of fluids , even eating chicken noodle soup but at the end of the day I just want to crawl into bed and go to sleep... winter is barely here and I already feel like I have the winter hum drums... aaack!
I also spilled water on my keyboard and well the darn thing decided to stop working right for me... I got tired of un-hooking the kids keyboard and switching it back and forth (with my cold it was just too much work...hehe) I bought a new one yesterday ... back in the land of the living once again!!! !
So in my boredom I took one of those silly internet quizzes... which superhero are you... Haha... I am Spiderman (woman..hehe)
You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. Hmmmm spiderwoman... I can hide on the ceiling and watch all ... and the kids just think I have eyes in the back of my head..pffft if they only knew!!!
Well are you all ready for TURKEY DAY? We are going to moms... over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go... ok ok its only 3 miles away but it really is over the river and through the woods!
Well Jay is almost over which only means I am up way past my bedtime , but once I lay down I get so stuffed up , its just nice to breathe awwwww!
Off to dreamland now... G'night All.... Peace ~G


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