Thursday, January 25, 2007

Posting Up

I guess it's been a while since I've posted... truth be told there has not been anything in my mundane life to terribly exciting to write about lately!
Things have been going smoothly nothing out of the ordinary... get up, get the kids lunches made, work, clean house, make dinner... day after day ... trying to get through the dark gray days of winter... winter is not my favorite season! I love the first snow and Christmas snow but anything after that just seems cold and dreary and I miss the sunshine!
The kids have been on the mountain every weekend skiing and snowboarding... they can't get enough of winter to me its just cold ...
Well last Wednesday Josh and I were in town and decided to check out the new China Buffett.... he loved it... I hated it! I really don't want to see octopus in a pan looking at me, and other strange things I do not know the names of... I stuck with the chicken but honestly don't think I will be going back.. to each his own just not my thing!
Our cute little kitten "Zeke" has become a total terror, he leaves a wake of mess behind him... knocking down chairs, unrolling the toilet paper and dragging it all over the house, dumping the garbage... we have to walk behind him and tell him NO all the time... I think he has hit his toddler stage... aaaack!
Well keeping you all posted will let you know if anything exciting happens... Love you all...G

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lets Kick some Bear Butt!!!! Go Seahawks!!!!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

2006 is now a thing of the past on to 2007, did you all fulfill your resolutions last year? I don't even make them anymore... why bother, I always have good intentions but my good intentions never seem to get much done!
We brought in the New Year with a nice dinner in Spokane (Prime Rib) and went out to Northquest casino and played a few slots... we didn't win anything major in fact we lost $45 bucks but we had a lil fun ...
We picked up the kids at noon in Couer D'alene and took them to the Spokane Valley Mall to use thier Christmas gift cards, oh boy that was fun... if you have ever been shopping with a 12 year old girl.... you know what I am talking about.... boys they get in get what they need and get out... girls, ha, don't even think about getting out in ten minutes...I kept saying are you almost done Momma needs a latte' and a new pair if shoes...hahaha!
I wish you all a great year with lots of love, peace and joy and I also hope you all fulfill your New Years Resolutions! I am not going to make one but I do have a few things I plan on trying to get done before next January! The first of which is to get through this cold, long, crazy winter!!! Love you all! Peace~G

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