Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fire, Fire, Fire!

Last week around 9:50 p.m. we heard a HUGE explosion... Beka comes running from one end of the house and me from the other, we opened her blinds and see nothing , then another huge explosion we then go into Ryans room, open his blinds and the house across the street is on fire . Flames are shooting clear up the pine trees!
Fire trucks and sherrifs and ambulance... and let me tell you I had no clue we had so many neighbors... they must've come from under rocks, bush people ..where did they all come from?
Anyway this went on until around 3 am... investigation etc... the woman that lived there was in her 70's and passed away in the fire.. her fiance is over at Harborview with bad burns and lung trouble, needs prayer! I guess her 2 oxygen tanks blew up... very sad! I had never seen anything quite like this, niether had the kids... pray for the man if you are a praying person , his name is Ted! Thanks G


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