Tuesday ... time to stuff the garbage can with as much useless junk I can possibly get in the can..haha... I have gotten rid of so much junk since I started packing to move back to WA... I figure if I haven't worn it, used it, or looked at it in over a year it better have some serious sentimental value or it's GONE!
Josh is all for getting rid of junk... the last two times he was home we took his truck to the dump overflowing with odds and ends... I begged to hold on to a few of the things... with any excuse I could come up with for why I needed to keep them...haha... then after he went back on the road I ended up throwing half of it out anyway! Stuff that is worth anything at all I have taken to the thrift store so someone else can fill thier home with more useless junk..haha, you know what they say one mans junk is another mans treasure!
My queen size mattresses are going to the garbage dump right before we leave... they are still comfortable and we have a feather bed on it... but if you flip the mattress there is a big bad mean lookin' coil sticking through the mattress that could hurt someone, probably me...plus they are soooo old... out with the old in with the new... Josh being 6'7" his feet always hang off... sooooooo we bought a brand new California King size mattress... it will be delivered to our new house... I will probably get lost in that HUGE bed...
Well new subject... Ryan is home with a sore throat today... personally I think he could've made it to school but he does seem to have a low grade fever too... his buddy Dylan had this same thing and I guess it's been going around school... man I hope it's not strept throat, just what we need strept going through the house... aaack!
Josh is still in Toronoto... he got stuck there on Monday as they couldn't deliver thier load cause it was a National Holiday there.. Victoria Day... so everything was closed... so haven't talked to him since yesterday, I'm not sure when he will make it back to the states yet!
Well just wanted to check in ... back to packing... G