Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ho Ho Ho

Josh and the animals... we just couldn't get the dogs and cat to sit still!
Well December has been a busy month so far so I haven't posted much on my blog.... sorry!
With work , Beka's basketball games, hauling the kids here and there, parties we just haven't had much time to breathe lately!
Happy Holidays to everyone.... welcome to the hustle and bustle of December...hehe... !
Zeke the newests member of our family has decided to try and be the dominant one over our other cat Soda , poor Soda he is old and just doesn't have it in him anymore he just wants the kitten to leave him alone. I always have to separate them into different rooms when they are both in the house... poor Soda!
Ryan went snowboarding on Stevens Pass the other weekend... I can't believe how much snow we already have and winter hasn't officially even started yet... Crazy! Ryan came home in pain ... he said every muscle in his body hurt and he hurt his tailbone... (OUCH) but he can't wait to do it again... of course!
Beka is now playing basketball so our Saturdays of sleeping in are OVER... aaack! It's up early and run to a tournament somewhere and then spend all day watching games... ( I do sneak away for a little Christmas shopping when I can, and a latte')!
Just thought I would post up... its my day off so off to the grocery store... Hope your Holidays are all filled with Vanilla Mocha dreams!!! Peace ~G


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