Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

Winter has hit us hard once again, we didn't even know fall was through when bam it's snowing and cold and the whole state is covered in white!
This is not normal for the other side of the mountains but it is on our side, seems Seattle and surrounding areas were hit hard with snow and ice, cars are scattered all over the roads that couldn't make it home and a whole lot of accidents... but if you make it away from the big cities and are in your warm home looking out your window... it's beautiful!
What a way to lead us into the holiday season... awww this is Christmas Snow! So before you curse the snow, remember all those Christmas's that you yourself said... man I just wish we could have snow for Christmas... well here you go... it might be a little early but it's here just for YOU!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Are you all still eating leftovers? You should be watching the Food Network, they have lots of yummy ways to use the left overs...but then again... I like just scooping up the mashed potatoes, piling on the turkey and covering in gravy... YUMMY!!!!
I noticed driving around on Wednesday night that a lot of people are already putting up thier Christmas lights etc... I don't know why, I mean I love Christmas as much as the next guy but come on people lets get through Thanksgiving first! I even heard on the news that K-mart (Big K) I think that was the store, was planning on staying open for Thanksgiving to give you a jump on that big shopping day.... PUUUUULEASE!!!! Are we that materialistic, man there once was a time when stores actually closed for the major holidays and even closed on Sundays....it almost makes me sick to be honest... are we more interested in shopping then spending time with our family and friends (something is wrong with that picture)!
Ok I am done with my rant.... hehe! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and now if you wanna get your Christmas decorations out and get ready for some Christmas spirit... have at it...hehe! Time for cooking, parties, school and church programs...
We watched Polar Express on Thanksgiving night... we didn't plan on it , I know its a kids movie but my parents got a new Samsung LCD/HD Flatscreen tv... and we were just checking it out and how well the picture looked so that was the movie he pulled out to check and the next thing you know we are sucked in... what a great animated movie... Loved it, Loved it, Loved it!
Well Dad and Penny Jo are picking up my kids in Couer D'Alene at noon and heading this way so I guess I better get busy and do a lil vacuming etc... Have a great rest of the weekend... Peace~ G

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving ;)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I would rather be Wonder Woman

Forget Spiderman from a few posts back, I would much prefer to be Wonder Woman...;)
I am probably much older then my head thinks I am since I actually remember watching that on tv with Lynda Carter in the lead role... I thought she was soooo cool as a kid...hehe! Her and The Bionic Woman and the Six Million Dollar Man... now thats some good tv...(ok dad I know you just fell off your chair laughing) The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Columbo, The Night Stalker (this show scared me, I would sneak to watch it)... I still remember running home from school flipping on the tv to Happy Days and Giligans Island... oh those were the good ol days! Awwww ok I am rambling once again.... Maybe you all can find Charlie Browns Thanksgiving Special and go back to the good ol days once again... when life was much simpler... haha life simple.... Peace~ G

Monday, November 20, 2006

German, hmmm?

German, eh? Hmmmm Shaun not sure what the heck you got when you tried to leave a comment , though I do live in a bavarian/german town so hmmm one never knows...hehe! Hope all is well for you, we will be thinking of you over Thanksgiving and hoping you will be home for Christmas! Here's sending you lots of Thanksgiving love from home!!!! Can you smell the turkey .... well no worries we will cook you up a feast when you get back!!!!
Two days till the annual stuffing of the TURKEY BIRD! For all those cooking the big feast this year... I feel your pain... but this year... I get to drive , eat, and drive back home... oh yeah only 3 miles...hahahaha! No seriously I wish I could be with you all for Thanksgiving ... Daddy-O, Aunt Jeannie, Grandpa... Penny Jo... Holly Sue Marie and your adorable family, Aunt Denelle and all my sweet family ... Love and Happy Turkey Day to you all!!!!!
Remember to say a prayer or send a care package to all our service men that are not able to see thier loved ones over the holidays... get your friends together and send someone some goodies over the holidays this year... I am sure they will be much appreciated!!!!
Well Josh is in serious pain tonight... me thinks he needs a tooth pulled in the back maybe a root canal... did I hear you all say OUCH! Yup thats the worst pain I can think of too , right up there with child birth...and the bad thing is I feel really bad for him but there is not a thing I can do, been there my own self , short of putting your head through a window (yes it gets that bad) and pacing the floors... tomorrow morning I will call the dentist and see if they can get him in for emergency relief!!!! The poor man is in pain!
Well Gobble Gobble and all that ..... I need to catch a few winks...Love you all..... Peace~G

Beka Boo doing her favorite thing...hehe!!!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Things I'm thankful for!

1.) I'm thankful that I have a family that is always there for me!
2.) I'm thankful that winter is only aproximately 3 months long...
3.) I'm thankful that my grandpa got a clean bill of health!!!
4.) I'm thankful my kids are healthy and happy and well adjusted!
5.) I'm thankful for Joshua!!!
6.) I'm thankful that even though its cold outside , it's warm inside and there is always food on our table...
7.) I'm thankful that I grew up knowing my Grandparents!!!!
8.) I'm thankful that I have a job!
9.) I'm thankful that I have the most AWESOME friends!
10.) I'm thankful that God always gives 2nd chances!

A lil Thanksgiving humor~ Top ten things that sound dirty at Thanksgiving , but aren't!

10. "Reach in and grab the giblets."
9. "Whew...that's one terrific spread!"
8. "I am in the mood for a little dark meat!"
7. "Tying the legs together will keep the inside moist."
6. "Talk about a HUGE breast!"
5. "And he forces his way into the end zone!"
4. "She's 5000 pounds fully inflated and it takes 15 men to hold her down."
3. "It's cool whip time!"
2. "If I don't unbutton my pants, I am going to burst!"
And the number one thing that sounds dirty at thanksgiving but isn't...
1. "It must be broken 'cause when I push on the tip, nothing squirts out."

Calling all superhero's!!!
Ok ok so I haven't blogged in 11 days, I have been too busy lately, and I've been in a slump, I haven't felt much like writing.... I have a cold... it just drags on and on....I have been taking my vitamin C and drinking lots of fluids , even eating chicken noodle soup but at the end of the day I just want to crawl into bed and go to sleep... winter is barely here and I already feel like I have the winter hum drums... aaack!
I also spilled water on my keyboard and well the darn thing decided to stop working right for me... I got tired of un-hooking the kids keyboard and switching it back and forth (with my cold it was just too much work...hehe) I bought a new one yesterday ... back in the land of the living once again!!! !
So in my boredom I took one of those silly internet quizzes... which superhero are you... Haha... I am Spiderman (woman..hehe)
You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility. Hmmmm spiderwoman... I can hide on the ceiling and watch all ... and the kids just think I have eyes in the back of my head..pffft if they only knew!!!
Well are you all ready for TURKEY DAY? We are going to moms... over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go... ok ok its only 3 miles away but it really is over the river and through the woods!
Well Jay is almost over which only means I am up way past my bedtime , but once I lay down I get so stuffed up , its just nice to breathe awwwww!
Off to dreamland now... G'night All.... Peace ~G

Monday, November 06, 2006

Beka's Birthday

Sushi Anyone ?

Beka's 12th birthday sleep over hot tub, board game party is over and the girls had a blast... my rice crispy sushi was a hit!!!! I am posting a slide show of it.. 8 girls... and Josh and I... taco's for dinner went over well... who knew girls could eat so much..hehe! Josh whooped me at scrabble ... I didn't know he was so competetive (yes I did) we had a good time too! Ryan is home from Montana... his hunting trip with his dad went well he got his doe but he never got his elk... awww life! Now back to school and life... Have a great week everyone I need to get to work! Love you all ... Peace ~G

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Dance Picture

Girls Just wanna have fun!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Here's Zeke playin peek a boo...
Just thought I'd post up and say Happy Weekend to everyone! I can't write much right now busy busy, need to pick up Beka from basketball then we are having a girls slumber party at one of the lodges... ( for Beka's birthday) yes I am crazy! ! Will post tomorrow afternoon... Love to all... Peace~ G

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